Part 1 Let's check the distortion of the pelvis

About you, have you whether your bone is distorted and became worried?
I was pointed out for the first time to go to the orthopedic clinic that slightly, pelvis is distorted.
And it is likely to have gone even distorted spine under the influence.
Interest so excited to get the information that diet reviews pelvis correction, I went to the orthopedic clinic to try, at that time, until the teacher pointed out, I did not notice at all on their own.
Like me, who among the people, distortion is actually already out in the pelvis, you might not.
If you lower body Dari swelling, or cold feet, or just lower body fat, such symptoms are sometimes so maybe the pelvis is misaligned.
If you're aware, the distortion of the pelvis is very small.
So, I think that would make it worse unwittingly, and he would proceed to the distortion of the spine.
In fact, there is an item that you can check your own distortion of the pelvis, has become a hot topic in Review.
About you, Have you check this distortion of the pelvis?
Because we will introduce the topics, please try to make sure you have not hit yourself.
If there is something that is true, I would suggest that you go to the pelvis correction.

Although this method of self check, let me try soon best, how to do lying down so easy.
First, I sleep facing up.
And I both feet shoulder-width apart.
The state in which the whole body to relax as much as possible, I will relax.