Part 5 distortion of the pelvis

One of the symptoms that occur in the distortion of the pelvis, or a decrease in metabolism, such as cold and the like.
It is said that such reviews also, cold woman, is the source of all kinds of diseases.
It is this cold, I am in many cases arise from the fact that the pelvis is distorted.
From the distortion of the pelvis, abdominal muscles of the trunk and back muscles, muscle is important decline, weakened, correspondingly, resulting in poor metabolism.
In addition, since the entire body becomes tired easily, muscle strength to support the body is weak, so the lower body burden anyway, and it's swelling is out.
I think as well, such as orthopedic clinic, and get advice for not only subject to correction pelvis, future, increase muscle strength, it is what comes out inconvenience various muscles weaken.
Not only pelvis correction, in order to stop it is effective and exercise leading up from the usual strength.

If the distorted pelvis, even worse, because blood flow, in addition to the cold, low back pain occurs, as well as stiff.
Then, repeat the bone was actually open and close, then there is a movement pelvis even a day, as well, such as by menstruation, there is a movement.
We are full of information about the review of a woman's body, It is now easier to obtain a variety of information about the physiology of these.
So, I think many of you know, this opening is not going well, menstrual cramps or worse, or become irregular menstruation.
Is there a relationship between the pelvis and deep troubles peculiar to women.
In addition, in the distortion of the pelvis, peristalsis of the colon becomes weak, the force pushes the stool becomes weak, we become constipated.
Pelvis is affected in this way, negative impact on the body there are many.
An attempt to improve such symptoms, you are many people in the hospital or osteopathic orthopedic clinic, to the pelvis correction.